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News & Resources For November 2022

Keeping up with the latest practical business news is a critical element for any successful business. This is no less true for online business. 

The news and resources below have been gathered from around the web. They are for your use to help maintain your internet marketing business stay up to date, competitive and relevant.

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The Story: 5.5 Steps to Maximizing Paid Social Media

Conversely, if there ever was an easy way to make a fortune, it’s also by advertising on social media.

That’s why before launching your first social media campaign, it might be wise to review the basics of how to get the most out of your social media advertising campaign.

1: Figure out what you want.

Determine your advertising objectives: Do you want to increase reach? Boost traffic? Create awareness? Build a list of interested people? Build a buyer’s list? Get them into your sales funnel?

Determine exactly where you want your new prospects to go and exactly what you want them to do.

2: Choose your social media platforms

If you had all the time and all the money in the world, you could advertise on all the social media platforms. Of course, if you already had all the money, then you wouldn’t need to advertise anything to anybody unless it was to brag about your good fortune.

For the rest of us, we need to pick just one or two platforms and then get really, really good at advertising on those platforms.

Find out where your ideal prospects are hanging out. If your advertising can reach them where they already are then you’re halfway home to getting your ad seen by your future customers.

3: Define your message.

You know your audience, you know where they hang out and you know what you want them to do. Now decide what you’re going to say to influence them to take the action you seek.

Create multiple variations of your message and test to find the one that converts the best.

Note: When talking about conversions, it’s not just the percentage of people who click your link that you want to monitor. You also want to keep track of the percentage of those people who take the action you seek, as well as how much those people spend with you over the course of 2 to 6 months.

4: Decide which options you will use on your ads.

All of the social media platforms give you multiple options for how to reach your audience. Initially you’ll want to choose the method most likely to engage with your target audience. And later you might want to test other options as well, just in case they out convert your first choice.

5: Set a budget.

It’s easier to spend more than you intend to when you start advertising. Instead, set aside a budget for your paid social media marketing. You can always increase it later if the results merit it.

5.5: Leverage organic posts.

Take note of the analytics on the content you post to see what’s getting the most traction. Do more of what’s working. And use this information to improve your paid ads, too.


NEW: Edit Your Tweets Up To 5 Times

Twitter announced it’s implementing a feature that will give users the ability to edit tweets.
Once the feature is available users will be able to edit their tweets for up to 30 minutes from posting. Users can only edit their tweets five times within this period.

The “edit tweet” feature will be first available to users who pay for the Twitter Blue subscription, but it won’t be rolling out to all paid users initially.

New Zealand-based subscribers will first get the feature and it will be later pushed to Twitter Blue users in Australia, Canada, and the U.S.


YouTube Publishes New Guide to Utilizing YouTube Shorts

With over 1.5 billion YouTube users now engaging with Shorts content every month – equivalent to 75% of the platform’s entire user base – it’s worth considering whether Short video clips may be of benefit in your YouTube strategy, and how you can use the format to best effect.

Which is where this new guide comes in – YouTube has published a new, 31-page overview of YouTube Shorts, covering everything from creating your video clips, to editing, to trend tips, analytics and more.


Tiktok Is Releasing Comment Dislike Button To All Users Worldwide

TikTok is rolling out its comment dislike button globally to all users. The short-form video app started testing the dislike button in April as a way for users to identify comments they believe to be irrelevant or inappropriate.

If you click the dislike button on a comment, the dislike won’t be public and commenters won’t be notified that their comment has been disliked. Commenters and other users also won’t be able to see how many times a comment has been disliked. You can also take back your dislike by tapping the button again.


How the Elon Musk / Twitter Takeover Went Wrong [Infographic]

The Twitter/Elon Musk saga has certainly gotten messy.

This saga began with such promise; the electric car, space travel revolutionary Musk pledged to buy Twitter for $44 billion to, ‘save the platform and free speech.’ Then negotiations quickly crumbled with Musk eventually accusing Twitter executives of withholding information, lying to the public, misleading investors and a lot more.

The case is now headed to court, with Twitter looking to hold Elon to his original offer, while Musk tries to wriggle out of the deal, claiming that the platform is so riddled with bots that it’s not worth what he originally thought.


Instagram Publishes Three New Guides to Help Brands Maximize their Holiday Marketing Efforts

From Instagram: “Our Business of Instagram series of how-to guides will help you reach your business goals with tactical guidance on how to set your shop up on Instagram up for success, make effective Reels video ads and build connections with new communities through creator partnerships.”


Unlocking the full value of Consent Mode

Google’s making it easier for website developers to manage their privacy permissions and data collection, with some new updates to its Consent Mode in Google Ads which automatically adjusts the data collected from each page in line with visitor permissions.

Consent Mode is Google’s management console for cookie tracking, which aligns with the permissions that users agree to (or not) when they visit your site. The new management tools will provide more capacity to adjust your Consent Mode settings to ensure you’re operating in line with each user.


About the Author Tony Sanford

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